2022/11/15 - How-to
How to Clean Your Oven With A Lemon
We all know the famous saying “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade!” But did you know you can also use those lemons to make your oven sparkly clean?
We all know the famous saying “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade!” But did you know you can also use those lemons to make your oven sparkly clean? Aside from being a staple in dressings, drinks and tasty dishes, the little yellow fruit packs a
powerful punch in killing bacteria and getting rid of grease. Thanks to the natural citric acids, lemon juice is nature’s best-kept secret for a natural cleaning agent. Ineffective “self-cleaning” modes, move aside: here’s your guide to a DIY deep-cleaning of your oven with a lemon.
Start by preheating your oven to 250 degrees fahrenheit. While the oven works to reach the desired temperature, fill an oven-safe bowl with tap water. Chop one lemon into thirds and squeeze the juice into the water mixture, placing the lemon pieces directly into the bowl afterwards. Place the bowl on the oven rack and let the concoction bake for 30 minutes. Be sure to keep an eye on the mixture throughout, so that it doesn’t boil over.
The combination of the citrus and water will steam the oven, acting as a natural grease buster and softening the grime inside. Now, it’s time for the magic!
Once the time is up, turn off the oven and let the water cool for a few minutes. With thehot water, dip a non-scratch scrubbing sponge of your choice into the lemon water. Use the sponge to wipe down the oven door, racks, and floor until they’re sparkling clean
and smell like a citrus breeze.
Afterward, be sure to use a rag to dry the oven completely and make it shine. Viola! An oven cleaner than you could’ve ever imagined.
To take it a step further, you can also use the hot lemon mixture to degrease your glass electric stovetop too. As you can see, cleaning your oven with a lemon is an easy do-it-yourself project that’s both fast and easy. Maybe now, you won’t procrastinate until spring cleaning to tick it off your list! Happy cleaning!
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